Venda Proverbs to English (Mirero)

Mula tshawe u ya dzumbama, a wanala husivhe na mulandu- a wealthy person enjoys his wealth in secret and when is found no charges is laid against him/her

Nwana mula malofha mavhisi, thumbuni hu onya hawe-A child who drinks sour milk, ruins his stomach

Wa sa li pfa u vhudzwani, u do li pfela vhulaloni-if you do not listen to advice, you will realise your mistake in bed

Nguluvhe ye ndi edza ndou mananga a bva nga mulomoni- The warthog tried to mimic the elephant and the hons came through the mouth

Tshisima tsha kule tshi vhulaisa dora- A well that is  located far away will keep you thirsty

Mukapi wa tshisima a si munwi wa tsho- A person who prepares a well is not the one who drinks from it

Ya longa khwanda yo nwa-if an animal gets its foot in the river it has drunk the water

Naho wa i viela bakoni, mahunguvhu a do i vhona-Even if you can kill it inside the cave, the vultures will see it

Muthu kha pfe, tshikanda a tshi na ndevhe- A humanbeing must listen, stump does not have ears

Nwana wa mbevha ha hangwi mukwita- A baby mouse doesn't forget the  path to the barrow

Nama khombetshedzwa i afhula khali- The meat that does not fit in a pot, breaks the pot

Phanda ha ndau a hu yiwi u sina tshikuni-you can't face the lion without a burning firewood

U songo vhona ndau yo edela, wari ndi tshimange- when a lion is asleep do not mistaken it for a domestic cat

Munna ndi ndou, a ili muri muthihi- A man is an elephant, does not feed on one tree

Ndou a ilemelwi nga musingo wayo- An elephant doesn't get overwhelmed by its trump

Manoni a songo kavhaho mutanda muthihi u fhufha a a liana- Birds that are not standing on the same branch, fly in different directions

Mmbwa ya la inwe a i noni- A dog that eats another dog does not get fat

Mmbwa ndi mmbwa ila na matanza ayo- A dog is a dog, it also eats its vomits

Ni songo vunda mmbwa mano- Do not break the dog its teeth

Mmbwa i huvhaho a i lumi- A dog that barks doesn't bite

Mmbwa i poswa kurambo nga a i divhaho- A dog is thrown a bone by the person who knows it

U tshi fuwa muthu ranga nga mmbwa- If you want to breed or raise a person, start by a dog

Thavhanyedza ila mbudzi tsalela ila kholomo- Those who come first eat the goat and those who come late eat the cow

Mubva hana nzie nzie dzi khoroni- A lazy person doesn't have locusts, while locusts are at the gate

Maudu a khovhe ndi vhana vhayo- Fish legs are its babies

Ride ndi mbidi ro vhona mavhala- we will say its a Zebra when we see the stripes

Li naka li tshi hoha linwe didingwe li tshi hohwa li mavhala anga- The leopard rejoices when it drags others, but when it gets dragged, it says my colours

Nowa a i tevhelwi mulindini wayo- You do not follow the sake all the way to its hole

Nowa yo vhonalaho a i lumi- A snake that is visible does not bite

Thonga ya kule a i vhulai nowa- A stick that is far away does not kill a snake

Tshitaka tshe wa vhona nowa udi i tshe ngomu- A shrub that you saw a snake, you belive its still there


Unknown said...

U si vhone mupfi u lifha fhasi ho muedena

Muchinda Mashau said...
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Muchinda Mashau said...

"Lions that fail to work as a team struggle with a limping buffalo", someone please translate this to TshiVenda. I would really appreciate it. Thank you

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